According to Head to The Net’s reliable sources, Canucks’ GM Mike Gillis placed a call to Peter Forsberg, who is in Sweden, over the weekend. The following is a transcript:

Mike Gillis: Peter, we really want you to come and play for the Canucks, and I have to stress that playing in Vancouver will be really simple.

Peter Forsberg: Simple? What do you mean?

MG: For starters, we already have 4 Swedish players on the team. Last year we had 5. We’ve made Swedish our official second language, so you don’t even need to learn English if you don’t want.

PF: I lived in North America for 15 years already, Mike. I know English pretty well.

MG: Just in case you forgot, Peter! Or maybe you never liked English! It’s all up to you.

PF: Yeah, sure. Anything else?

MG: Yes. The Olympic Games are in Vancouver in February in our very own back yard – you will live within walking distance of the rink.

PF: Won’t I have to stay in the athletes’ village anyways? All players do. Really, it won’t make a difference.

MG: Crap, you saw through that one. Ok, well don’t tell Roberto or the Sedins about this, it was one of my main selling points for their new contracts. But Peter, we did completely renovate the dressing room this year, it is amazing.

PF: Don’t you have a huge roadtrip both before and after the Olympics, because of all the preparation and take-down time? I’ll never get to spend any time there anyways.

MG: How do you know all of this stuff? Don’t tell me you read the newspaper! Most players hate reading and believe everything I tell them. Signing you could be a lot harder than I thought. I guess I won’t be telling you how mild our weather is, like I told Mats last year. Boy was he upset when he realized it never stops raining.

PF: Don’t worry, my other choice is Philadelphia. If anything is more dreary than Vancouver, that’s the place. I’ll probably just flip a coin when the time comes to decide. Good luck, Mike!


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