Up here in the Olympic City, we aren't able to see the famous Super Bowl Commercials. So just to make it easier for you to find them, I've posted some of the best ones below. But, let's start with the ad that we saw over and over instead - the CTV Olympic Anthem. Click here to see it. What can I say... I beleive.

1. Doritos Crash the Superbowl Contest Winners:

2. Brett Favre Staves off Retirement - Hyundai Commercial:

3. Bridgestone - Tires or your Life:

4. David Letterman, Oprah - (the impression is hillarious):

Let me know if I've missed any good ones!


  1. Unknown // February 11, 2010 at 3:19 AM  

    Wait! what about google's Parisian Love? Didnt you like it? I thought it was soooo lurvely! super mignon! ha ha

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